05:09, 24/09/2018

Imported car market backs to busy

Imported car market has changes in prices. The number of imported cars doesn't satisfy the demand of buyers.

Imported car market has changes in prices. The number of imported cars doesn’t satisfy the demand of buyers.
Decrease in car prices does not come up to expectation
Among imported cars of Honda, CR-V decreases by over VND160 million (from VND1.25 billion in 2017 to VND1.093 billion now); Civic rises slightly from VND890 million to VND903 million. Ford also made decrease in car prices. Ford Everest fell by VND80 million, Ranger reduced by VND30 million, but Ford Explorer rose by over VND10 million. Representative of Toyota Nha Trang also said that imported cars of Toyota have changes in prices.
Considering a imported car model in a showroom on 23-10 Street, Le Xuan An (living in Tue Tinh Stree, Nha Trang), shared that, “I waited for import tax rate on cars from ASEAN countries down to 0% to buy a car a lower price. However, I see car prices in most showrooms in Nha Trang almost have no decrease.” Representatives of car firms in Nha Trang explain this matter that import tax rate on cars from ASEAN countries has been reduced to 0%, but imported cars suffer many other fees like registeration fee, storage fee, etc. Therefore, selling prices are still higher than their prices in manufacture places; prices of import cars see some decrease but not like expectations of buyers. 
Besides, new cars have remarkable upgrade in technology, amenities, operation and safety in comparison with versions in 2017.


Buyer seeing an imported car at a showroom in Nha Trang
Buyer seeing an imported car at a showroom in Nha Trang
Demand exceeding supply
Representatives of car firms in Nha Trang also revealed that in early 2018, trying to waiting for low prices, many buyers didn’t sign car buying contracts; therefore, car market is rather quiet. Few cars were imported and firms mostly sold locally-made cars. Now, imported cars have been available in firms with stable prices; so, imported car market has backed to busy and the demand is exceeding the supply. Purchase is expected to keep rising in year-end time. 
Representative of Ford Nha Trang said that the demand for imported cars of Ford is rising sharply, and a lot of buyers have paid deposit and are waiting to receive cars. Le Nguyen Bao Anh, sales managers of Honda Nha Trang, also shared that the company has imported about 200 cars this year but it’s not enough for the demand of buyers. At present, about 250 buyers are waiting for cars, which will be delivered from now to the lunar New Year festival. The long time of transport and storage for verification takes buyers 3 – 4 months from order time. Then, about 20% of customers have changed to buy locally-made cars.
Mai Hoang
Translated by T.T