11:09, 27/09/2018

Department of Industry and Trade tackles 99.97% of files

In the third quarter of 2018, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Industry and Trade received 3,445 files of inviduals, organizations and businesses. 3,444 files have been tackled, making up 99.97%; and one is being processed.

In the third quarter of 2018, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Industry and Trade received 3,445 files of inviduals, organizations and businesses. 3,444 files have been tackled, making up 99.97%; and one is being processed.

Of the sum, 2,275 files are online; 2,972 have been tackled ahead of schedule; 471 have been tackled on schedule; and 1 is behind schedule. Especially, the number of files tackled online makes up 67.36%, far more than the target of 40% set by the provincial People's Committee.

Tran Minh

Translated by T.T