03:09, 13/09/2018

Productivity of summer - autumn rice hits 58.88 quintals/hectare

Ninh Hoa Township, Khanh Hoa Province has sowed more than 8,300 hectares for the summer - autumn rice crop.

Ninh Hoa Township, Khanh Hoa Province has sowed more than 8,300 hectares for the summer - autumn rice crop. Up to now, the local farmers have harvested about 350 hectares with average productivity of 58.88 quintals/hectare, increasing by 7.3 quintals/hectare year-on-year. Main rice kinds are ML48, ML202, ML214, OM4900 TH6, IR17494, etc. 
Many farmers said that the high yield of this year summer - autumn is owning to the favorable weather and enough water. Farmers also prevented diseases for rice timely.
Translated by T.T