04:09, 25/09/2018

Traffic infrastructure for the south of Van Phong invested

The two life lines in the south of Van Phong are in excution. When finished and put into use, they will attract investors more and serve the project better. 

The two life lines in the south of Van Phong are in excution. When finished and put into use, they will attract investors more and serve the project better. 
Sea-crossing road route
The road to Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse started construction in October, 2015 with total investment of VND240 billion. This is a sea-crossing road connecting the land with My Giang island with 3 kilometers in length. The progress is not good due to difficulties in ground clearance. 
According to Hoang Van Khanh, technical manager of infrastructure management board of Van Phong Ecomonic Zone Management board, up to this time, contractors are stepping up execution progress in traffic roads and water drainage. If the weather is favorable, the project will be finished and put into operation by December 31. 
According to Vuong Xuan Phuong, director of infrastructure management board of Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board, the road to Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse connects traffic not only for petroleum transport but for connection with projects in My Giang island like the southern Van Phong oil refinery project, Van Phong 1 thermo-electric plant, etc. It also helps technical infrastructure and social infrastructure comprehensive to make the operation of many sectors in the economic zone more effective.


Asphalting road to Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse
Asphalting road to Van Phong Petroleum Warehouse
Improved road for Provincial Road 1B
Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board is also executing an improved road of the Provincial Road 1B, from Hyundai Vinashin Shipyard to Ninh Tinh Hamlet, Ninh Phuoc Commune. 
The project aims to create land fund and serve for two projects Van Phong power center and southern Van Phong oil refinery, which will facilitate forming the economic zone in the south of Van Phong, satisfying living demands and connecting related projects in the section. The projects has been constructed since 2013 with total investment of VND464 billion from the State budget.
The project comprises two phases. Up to now, the first phase with the length of 4.2 kilometers has been finished and put into operation. The rest of 5.4 kilometers is executed. When the project is finished, the old Provincial Road 1B will be closed and travel will be done on the new improved road.  
Vuong Xuan Phuong confirmed that after finished, the above projects will serve traffic for projects in the south of Van Phong. But in the long term, more routes should be built to facilitate traffic to serve projects in the south of Van Phong.
Manh Hung
Translated by T.T