10:10, 30/10/2018

Khanh Hoa has 51 textile garment enterprises

Khanh Hoa Province now has 51 textile garment businesses, according to a statistics of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade.

Khanh Hoa Province now has 51 textile garment businesses, according to a statistics of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade. Some big enterprises are Nha Trang Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company, Tan Tien Textile Joint Stock Company, Khatoco Garment Enterprise, etc. 


At Khatoco Garment Enterprise
At Khatoco Garment Enterprise
This is an industry with a large number of female laborers. Now, textile and garment use more than 7,500 employees, making up 14% of total laborers in industry. Beside the local market, products of textile and garment are exported to more than 40 countries in the world. Main export markets are the US (over 50%), EU, Arabia, Canada and Korea. Till September, export turnover reached nearly USD49 million. Average growth rate was about 7.5%.
Nhat Minh
Translated by T.T