01:10, 30/10/2018

Industry sprinting to fulfill year targets

The year 2018 will end in two months, industrial enterprises are promptly striving for the year's targets. This is the time optimal measures will be done to fulfill expected targets. 

The year 2018 will end in two months, industrial enterprises are promptly striving for the year’s targets. This is the time optimal measures will be done to fulfill expected targets. 
Satisfactory signs
According to the statistics by the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, Index of Industrial Production (IIP) of Khanh Hoa Province in the first nine months of 2018 rose by 7% year-on-year. Processing and manufacture industry increased by 9%, water supply and water disposal rose by 7.43%. Some products had year-on-year increase in IIP like refined sugar (37% up), salangane nest drink (43.86% up), canned beer (20.96% up), electricity (over 17% up), etc.
Economic zones, industrial zones and industrial groups have changes. Van Phong Economic Zone attracted 131 projects in the nine months, including 26 foreign projects and 105 local ones. 74 of the the projects have started operation with total capital of over VND13,250 billion. According to Hoang Dinh Phu, head of Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board, industrial zones are operating stably. Suoi Dau Industrial Zone’s infrastructures have been finished, 88% of its 136.7 hectares has been filled. This industrial zone has made good impression on investors, becoming the leading economic zone of the province in scale, infrastructures and quality of services. 40 out of 52 registered projects have been put into operation. Main industries are processing fishery for export, processing furniture for export, textile garment, mechanics, etc. Total registered investment of businesses has reached USD189 million. 12,050 laborers have jobs in it.
In Ninh Thuy Economic Zone, infrastructures of the first phase have started operation, 13 projects have registered investment, 5 projects have started operation with total registered investment of USD21.3 million, VND412 billion of which has been disbursed.
Besides, three industrial groups, namely Dien Phu (in Dien Khanh District), Dac Loc (in Vinh Phuong Commune, Nha Trang City), and Khatoco Breeding (in Ninh Ich Commune, Ninh Hoa Township) have attracted 52 projects, 44 of which have been put into operation, creating jobs for 4,520 laborers. Three industrial zones, namely Trang E (in Cam Lam District), Dien Phu – VCN (in Dien Khanh District) and Song Cau (in Khanh Vinh District), have finished technical infrastructures.


A part of Cam Ranh Port
A part of Cam Ranh Port
A lot of measures
Recently, the Department of Industry and Trade has set tagets for 2018 as follows: industrial production value: VND51,110 billion (7.5% up over 2017); Index of Industrial Production: 7% up; retail sales and service turnover: VND94,950 billion, 12.5% up; export turnover: USD1,300 million, 6.56% up; import turnover: USD700 million, 2.94% up.
To fulfill above targets, the Department of Industry and Trade has set up specific measures. Focusing on are calling investment to fill Suoi Dau Industrial Zone and Ninh Thuy Industrial Zone; stepping up investing infrastructures for industrial groups, including Trang E 1, Trang E 2, Song Cau, Dien Tho and Dien Phu – VCN; calling non-State investment to build trade infrastructures. Also by the industry encouragement program, applying advanced machines and new machines into production, vocational training, etc. keeps to be intensified; investment to raise scale, productivity, products’ quality and business administration. 
Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T