04:01, 18/01/2019

Developing VietGAP durians in Khanh Son District

42 hectares of durians in Khanh Son District, Khanh Hoa Province with more than 1,000 tons of durians have been certificated VietGAP. The locality is attending to develop this kind of valuable fruit stably.

42 hectares of durians in Khanh Son District, Khanh Hoa Province with more than 1,000 tons of durians have been certificated VietGAP. The locality is attending to develop this kind of valuable fruit stably.
In 2018, Khanh Son durians have a bumper crop and good price. Total yield was 2,800 tons. Growers earned VND200 – 400 million/hectare, higher than all of other plants. Son Binh Commune is the place in Khanh Son having durian plants the most and the highest durian productivity.


Introducing first VietGAP durians in Khanh Hoa Province
Introducing first VietGAP durians in Khanh Hoa Province
However, farmers in Khanh Son had suffered poor durian crops and low prices for many times. Therefore, how to grow durians well and export durians abroad was a question for the authority as well as durian growers in Khanh Son. To solve this problem, basing on the suggestion of Khanh Son District People’s Committee, in November, 2017, Quality Management Agency of Agricultural, Forest and Fishery Products, Agency of Rural Development, Agency of Planting and Plant Protection, and the district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development surveyed, evaluated and chosen the durian growing area in Son Binh Commune to develop a model supplying durians qualified for VietGap standard. Then, Son Binh Fruit Cooperative was established with 42.2 hectares of 8 members. After 1 year, in November, 2018, the 42.2 hectares with over 1,000 tons of durians has been certificated VietGAP by the National Agro - Forestry - Fisheries Quality Assurance Department – Branch 3.
Besides, durians of Son Binh Fruit Cooperative have QR Code (Quick response code), which enables users to find information on origin, harvest time, etc. of each durian. This is a way to confirm the trademark as well as prevent the fake fruits, taking trust of consumers. 
According to Le Ba Ninh, director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the State has policies to encourage agriculture such as support for transferring plants, support for planting with VietGAP standard, preferential lending interest rates, etc. However, to develop VietGAP durians, Son Binh Fruit Cooperative and related agencies need maintain and expand the VietGAP durian growing area. 
Hong Dang
Translated by T.T