01:02, 26/02/2019

Improving administrative skills for businesses

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has just adopted a plan to support small and medium-sized enterprises in 2019.  Helping enterprises in training human resource to improve administrative skills is confided as a main target.

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has just adopted a plan to support small and medium-sized enterprises in 2019.  Helping enterprises in training human resource to improve administrative skills is confided as a main target.
At present, small and medium-sized enterprises in the province are developing well. However, they are facing challenges in competition, capital and administration in the process of integration to the world economy. To raise competition of enterprises, the province has developed a lot of comprehensive measures, including support in lending and interest rates, technology application, trade promotion and product marketing. The authorities will also facilitate enterprises in fields related to land, tax, customs and investment attraction. In 2018, the provincial People’s Committee entrusted the provincial Department of Planning and Investment to organize 9 business administration classed with topics like strategic planning for human resource, marketing administration and IMC stimulation, administration of business changing and restructuring, financial administration and tools for financial administration, skills of presentation and teamwork.


Fish sauce production line of 584 Nha Trang Seaproduct Joint Stock Company
Fish sauce production line of 584 Nha Trang Seaproduct Joint Stock Company
In 2019, the provincial People’s Committee continues entrusting the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, and the provincial Department of Tourism to support small and medium-sized enterprises in training human resource. Specifically, the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Tourism take charge of organizing 8 business administrion courses; the Department of Industry and Trade take charge of organizing one course to train about safe techniques in explosive operation. Total expenditure for all the courses is estimated to be more than VND700 million, VND267 million of which will be financed by the State budget.
Tran Hoa Nam, director of the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, said, “More and more small and medium-sized enterprises need the support in human resource training. To catch their real demand timely and rightly, the Department of Planning and Investment will hold a seminar on developing support for enterprises and countinue training business administration skills in 2019. Then, the training will help business to catch opportunities and challenges in a business environment with a lot of influence from international and regional agreement signed.”
Besides, trade associations will also have essential support for enterprises in training administration and improve competition capacity. Luong The Hung, chairman of the provincial Young Businessmen’s Association, saif, “Many businesses meet difficulties in their own development strategy. The Young Businessmen’s Association always attends to small and medium-sized enterprises to help them the best strategies. We invite big enterprises to exchange experience in production and business with smaller enterprises to help them access more opportunities to develop.” 
According to Tran Son Hai, Standing Vice-chairman of Khanh Hoa Province People’s Committee, production businesses play an important part in developing the province’s economy. These are suatainable factors for the province’s economy in following years. In 2018, enterprises contributed over VND12,000 billion in the total State revenue of the province. Therfore, the local authorities need give care and facilitate their development.
Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T