08:07, 29/07/2019

Opportunity for exporters to expand market

To recognize contributions of exporters, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Industry and Trade has sent document to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to nominate 6 businesses as "Top Reputable Exporters 2018".

To recognize contributions of exporters, Khanh Hoa Province Department of Industry and Trade has sent document to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to nominate 6 businesses as “Top Reputable Exporters 2018”. This is an opportunity for businesses to build images and prestige in the market.
Six businesses nominated
The six nominated businesses are Khanh Viet Corporation, Hyundai Vinashin Shipyard Co., Ltd., Nha Trang Seafoods-F17 Joint Stock Company, Komega – X Co., Ltd., Cat Phu Paper Material Co., Ltd., and Rapexco Dai Nam Co., Ltd. The businesses operate in ship building, textile garment and processing products of agriculture, forest and fishery. 
The selected companies have to meet very strict requirements, including exporting directly and profitably, being reputable in doing business with foreign customers, abiding by the obligations to the State such as customs and taxes ... In the past years, Khanh Hoa has many enterprises voted as reputable exporters. Many units have been voted for 3 consecutive years such as Khanh Viet Corporation, Tin Thinh Co., Ltd, Rapexco - Dai Nam Co., LTd.... In the recent list of nominations, apart from units that have been awarded for many years, Hyundai Vinashin Shipyard Co., Ltd. is the first shipbuilder to be nominated. This shows the efforts of this company in ensuring the schedule and product quality and well complying with the domestic and international laws, creating prestige in the export field.


Production line of Khatoco Garment Enterprise
Production line of Khatoco Garment Enterprise
Many positive changes
Nominated businesses have opportunities to enjoy benefits like marketing on website, joining trade promotion abroad, supply and demand connection, etc., which will encourage export of businesses in Khanh Hoa Province, improve competition and diversify export marketing for businesses and partly contribute into the export turnover and the growth rate of the province.
According to Tran Van Ngoan, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, voting reputable exporters is a big boost, creating opportunities for businesses to expand export markets to countries. In addition, exporters will also invest to expand production and equipment to improve product quality. Thereby, it will step by step improve the competitiveness and diversify export markets for businesses. With the investment of enterprises, renovation of equipment and deep processing will bring the value-added content in the export sector of the province to a very high level.
Beside enterprises that have been voted as typical exporters, now, many other exporters in the province have also begun to learn the effective export models and apply them to production. Local management agencies have also actively implemented many support policies for export enterprises to have more opportunities to assert themselves. In particular, improving knowledge about international economic integration is considered as an important solution for businesses to access markets and build brands in export now.
Nhat Minh
Translated by T.T