11:08, 31/08/2019

August CPI of Khanh Hoa Province rises by 0.16%

According to Khanh Hoa Province Statistics Office, the consumer price index (CPI) of the province in August increased by 0.16% over that in July and by 2.53% over the same period last year. Average CPI in the first 8 months increased by 2.89% over the same period last year.

According to Khanh Hoa Province Statistics Office, the consumer price index (CPI) of the province in August increased by 0.16% over that in July and by 2.53% over the same period last year. Average CPI in the first 8 months increased by 2.89% over the same period last year.
Among 11 main groups of goods and services, 9 groups had an increase in the price index over the previous month, including food and dining-out services rose by 0.14%; beverage and cigarette by 0.38%; garment, headwear and footwear increased by 0.16%; housing, electricity, water, fuel and construction materials increased by 0.01%; household appliances and equipment increased by 0.12%; medicine and medical services increased by 2.42%; education increased by 0.02%; culture, entertainment and tourism increased by 0.05%; other goods and services increased by 0.11%. Transportation group had a decrease of 0.47%, and post and telecommunication had a stable price index.
The increase in CPI in August is mainly due to a sharp increase of 3.26% in medical service prices as from August 20, the medical service price was increased reason according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health. In addition, the price index of beverage and cigarette group increased by 0.38% over the previous month.