11:10, 31/10/2019

Khanh Hoa Province: Pushing up supporting industry

Supporting industry is the foundation for economic growth. Therefore, promoting the development of this field to gradually expand production and contribute to the development of main industries is essential.

Supporting industry is the foundation for economic growth. Therefore, promoting the development of this field to gradually expand production and contribute to the development of main industries is essential.
Currently, the province has about 25 enterprises operating in the field of supporting industry. The total production value of supporting industry in Khanh Hoa only accounts for 4.4% of the total industrial production value of the province. Its annual budget contribution is about VND 35 billion. The total number of labors in supporting industry is about 9.5% of the figure in industry. Supporting industry currently focuses on the fields of textile, mechanical engineering, electrics and electronics.

Textile – shoe leather is considered an opportunity for the development of supporting industry. Currently, more than 50 businesses are operating in this field, so it will bring a lot of work for auxiliary units. In addition, a lot of recent solar power projects and thermal power projects in the province have also opened a new potential. This is an opportunity for power supporting industry to dominate the market and create a breakthrough.

In particular, shipbuilding supporting industry has been considered a strength of the province’s mechanical industry. In Nha Trang City, Ninh Hoa Town and Cam Lam District, there are many businesses as subcontractors for Hyundai Vinashin Shipyard Co., Ltd. (HVS) and Cam Ranh Shipyard. The auxiliary items that the mechanical engineering enterprises often carry out include balustrade, stairs, ventilation, chimney, platform, etc. of ships. These products are highly rated and qualified for international standards.

In the Supporting Industry Developing Program to 2025, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee determines the priority to develop supporting industries to enhance the added value, increase the competitiveness and dynamism of enterprises in the province, creating attraction for investors. The province's goal from now to 2025 is to create a favorable corridor for businesses operating in this field to develop. Besides, industrial zones and inter-industry clusters for supporting industry will be built. The province identifies 4 areas that are focused on investment, including mechanics, textile - shoe leather, electronics, electrical equipment and high-tech industry. The State is expected to spend nearly VND 8 billion to support the four above industries.

Tran Van Ngoan - Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade said that in the time to come, issues of attracting investment, changing management thinking and capital will be considered as main solutions in order for supporting industry to develop corresponding to its potentials. In addition, the development of human resources, product consumption markets and environmental protection are also considered as the basic motivations for supporting industries. According to Mr. Ngoan, when the new industrial zones and industrial clusters of the province complete the infrastructure, the ability to call for investment will be better and the supporting industry will have more development opportunities. However, besides the solutions and support from the authorities, businesses also need to take initiative in changing technology and equipment to catch up with the market trend.

Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T