09:10, 04/10/2019

Nam A Bank inaugurates new office in Cam Lam District

Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Nam A Bank) on October 2 inaugurated a new office in Cam Duc Town, Cam Lam District.

Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Nam A Bank) on October 2 inaugurated a new office in Cam Duc Town, Cam Lam District.
Nam A Bank now has one level-1 branch and five transaction offices in Khanh Hoa Province. Besides, the bank has installed four ATM machines and more than 20 point of sale (POS) machines at the restaurants, hotels, and electronic supermarkets across the province. 


Inauguration ceremony of Cam Lam office
Inauguration ceremony of Cam Lam office
On the occasion of inauguration of Cam Lam office, the office has offered more than 1,000 gifts to its customers. Additionally, Nam A Bank also holds a special program to mark its 27th anniversary of establishment (October 21, 1992 – October 21, 2019). The gifts of this program are worth a total value of VND3.64 billion. 
Translated by H.N