09:11, 27/11/2019

Van Ninh District fostering policy credit

In recent years, policy credit in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province has continuously developed and come to life. Thereby, it has helped many difficult households have conditions to develop production, improve their living, and get out of poverty.

In recent years, policy credit in Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa Province has continuously developed and come to life. Thereby, it has helped many difficult households have conditions to develop production, improve their living, and get out of poverty.
Previously, the family of Mr. Tran Van Nhut (Suoi Luong village, Van Thang commune) had been a near-poor household with planting and raising cows as their main work. Due to lack of capital, they had raised only had 2 cows and their fruit orchard with jackfruits and mangoes were poor. Lent VND60 million from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, he bought 4 cows and invested in his orchard. Nearly 1 year later, the cowd have given birth to the calves which can be sold at about 10 million VND/head. Fruit trees in the garden, thanks to being well cared, have produced more fruits, bring his family more income. Now, Nhut averagely earns more than VND10 million a month. Sp, owning to the policy credit, his family has escaped from poverty.


Van Ninh District fostering policy credit
Policy loan helps Nhat' family to invest in planting and breeding
It is just one of tens of thousands of households in the district getting policy credit during the past 5 years. According to Nguyen Thanh Long - Director of Van Ninh District Transaction Office of the Bank for Social Policies, since Directive No. 40 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership on social policy credit went into life, it has helped many households in the district have more conditions to develop production, thereby helping them to escape poverty and improve their living. The above results are primarily thanks to the timely and deep guidance of the District Party Committee and District People's Committee in the implementation of policy credit activities and creating favorable conditions for loan arrangement. Communes, towns and organizations have well coordinated in implementing policy credit to the people.
Up to September 30, the total capital for policy credit reached VND363.8 billion, increasing by VND166.6 billion compared to that in the end of 2014. In particular, the entrusted capital from the district budget reached VND2.5 billion, an increase of VND1,7 billion compared to that the end of 2014. The district has been implementing 11 policy credit programs, including lend households just escaping from poverty and social housing. Total outstanding loans reached VND363.4 billion with 19,257 poor households and other policy beneficiaries. Credit growth during the past 5 years has reached VND168.5 billion with 17.28% in the average annual growth rate. In the past 5 years, 23,214 times of poor households and other policy beneficiaries have received policy credit loans.
Le Hong Minh - Chairman of Van Ninh District Farmers’ Association said that, the association is managing over VND142 billion from policy credit. Policy credit activities over the past time continue to be effective, helping many farmer members to develop production and get out of poverty.
Tran Ngoc Khiem - Vice Chairman of Van Ninh District People's Committee also confirmed that, for many years, credit capital has been considered an effective arm for local people to invest in economic development. By this capital, many households and cooperatives have invested in expanding production scale and raising income. Currently, the demand for loans of people is very large, but the capital is quite limited. Therefore, in the coming time, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, all levels and branches should consider allocating more capital, creating favorable conditions for local people to borrow. At the same time, the district will continue to strengthen the inspection and supervision of the disbursement and use of post-disbursed capital resources to improve the quality of policy credit activities, then helping to improve people's living in accordance with the goals set out by Directive No. 40.
Thanh Hai
Translated by T.T