10:01, 31/01/2020

A business in Khanh Hoa winning 6 Vietnamese Golden Star awards

An enterprise in Khanh Hoa has received many Vietnam Gold Star awards, that is Long Sinh Company Limited in Suoi Dau Industrial Park. Vuong Vinh Hiep - the company's founder has expressed his determination to make businesses develop more and more sustainably over the past 22 years.

An enterprise in Khanh Hoa has received many Vietnam Gold Star awards, that is Long Sinh Company Limited in Suoi Dau Industrial Park. Vuong Vinh Hiep - the company’s founder has expressed his determination to make businesses develop more and more sustainably over the past 22 years.
. Winning Vietnam Gold Star for 6 times
Vietnam Gold Star is a prestigious award that every business desires to get. Every year, only 200 businesses of among hundreds of thousands of businesses in the country are granted this award. Long Sinh Co., Ltd. has received the Vietnam Gold Star award. This is the only enterprise in Khanh Hoa to receive this award for 6 times.
Vuong Vinh Hiep - General Director of Long Sinh Co., Ltd said that the Vietnam Gold Star award with many strict criteria for taxes, insurance, remuneration for employees, import and export without tax debts, environmental protection, growth rate, turnover, etc. were verified by the inspection team of the organizers. “We do not emphasize the need for awards, but pay much attention to the growth and profitability, how to develop a sustainable business, contribute to socio-economic development and improve life for workers. We are very honored to win Vietnam Gold Star Award for six years: 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2018”, Hiep said.


Long Sinh Company Limited receives Vietnam Gold Star award 2018
Long Sinh Company Limited receives Vietnam Gold Star award 2018
. Keeping strive
There were times when the company met many difficulties, but the board of directors tried to overcome. Especially, in 2009, facing the economic crisis, the company quickly applied solutions to restructure the business, invest in upgrading the factory, expand producing fish meal and fish oil processed aquatic by-products used as raw materials for the production of breeding foodstuff for export to Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and Japan. In the past 5 years, the enterprise has continuously improved its machinery and equipment toward automation to reduce manual labor, increase productivity and product quality, lower costs to compete in domestic and foreign markets.


Vuong Vinh Hiep checking products before packing
Vuong Vinh Hiep checking products before packing
The company is a good example in Suoi Dau Industrial Zone about taking care of material and spiritual life for laborers. As a result, this is also a rare unit in Khanh Hoa receiving the award "Enterprise for Labor" from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.
“In the context of fluctuating world economy, I always have to update new management knowledge to keep up with the times. Currently, the company has developed a nationwide distribution channel system with 973 first-level agents and 4,865 second-level agents. The company has always researched and applied modern technologies, equipment and components. The latest scientific and technological achievements in production are aimed at creating products of high quality”, Hiep said.
Nhat Thanh
Translated by T.T