04:01, 11/01/2021

Preparing supply of Tet goods

To serve the shopping demand during the coming Lunar New Year Festival (Tet), supermarkets and malls in the province have stockpiled quite abundant and diversified goods. 

To serve the shopping demand during the coming Lunar New Year Festival (Tet), supermarkets and malls in the province have stockpiled quite abundant and diversified goods. 
Abundant supply
This year, Co.opmart Nha Trang has stocked goods to serve the Tet with a total value of about 45 billion VND. Main stocked commodity are fresh food and essential goods. Products with Co.opmart brand also participate in serving Tet such as nuts, jam, confectionery, soft drinks ... Especially, the supermarket prioritized local goods to support local farmers. In addition, the supermarket actively worked with the suppliers of beef, chicken, duck, etc. to have enough goods for Tet.
Vo Dinh Dung - Director of Co.opmart Nha Trang supermarket said, “Annually, Co.opmart often prepares goods 2 to 3 months before Tet. This year, the Covid-19 epidemic may affect the consumption, but we think the goods will still sell well on this occasion. It is expected that The stock of the whole Co.opmart system will increase by 5 to 10% over the same period last year. Co.opmart has actively bought goods to continue implementing the price stabilization for essential commodities like rice, sugar, confectionery, beer, soft drinks, etc.”
According to a representative of GO! supermarket system, the demand for fresh is forecasted to increase by about 50%, so the supermarket has worked with suppliers to prepare the supply of pork with an increase of about 20%, poultry meat with an increase of 25% over Tet 2020. Although the demand for fresh food increases on the occasion of Tet, the supermarket ensures a supply of goods for consumers. In addition, GO! supermarket has a lot of promotions to thousands of products.
Meanwhile, at traditional markets and small shops, due to low purchasing power, sellers stocked less goods than previous years. Local people now prefer to do shopping at supermarkets; therefore, markets have less customers.


Abundant goods
Abundant goods
Plans to stabilize Tet market
In order to serve purchase of people in the mountainous areas and launch the price stabilization program for Tet, Khanh Vinh Trade Center plans to stock essential goods with a total budget of more than 613 million VND while Khanh Son Trade Center will store goods with a total cost of more than 850 million VND. In addition, businesses and supermarkets also organize mobile sales in localities. Specifically, Co.opmart Cam Ranh will organize 2 mobile sales in Cam Thanh Nam commune and Binh Hung island in Cam Ranh, and Co.opmart Nha Trang will organize 2 mobile sales in remote and island areas. The main items are food, chemical cosmetics, utensils and garments.
Phan Thi Thu Cuc - Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, said that recently, leaders of the province and the provincial Department of Industry and Trade have worked with a number of supermarkets and commercial centers on the trading and preparing goods for Tet.
Supermarkets and commercial centers have reserved plentiful goods, ensuring to serve Tet. Prices of goods do not increase compared to normal days. Prices of essential food will not change much, the supply in the province is ensured. Implementing the direction of the Provincial People's Committee, the Department of Industry and Trade has directed units and businesses to coordinate with livestock businesses to have a plan to ensure the supply of pork to the market and reduce price for consumers. In addition, the department requested the market management board to coordinate with the authority to propagate and inspect traders in markets in measurement, product quality, and food safety…
Khanh Ha
Translated by T.T