09:01, 08/01/2021

Strengthening inspection of essential goods for Lunar New Year

Khanh Hoa Province's Market Management Department is strengthening the inspection and supervision on the market to promptly detect and strictly handle violations of the law on prices, speculation, hoarding, smuggled goods, counterfeit goods, and poor quality goods; strengthening measures to fight against smuggling and trade fraud, etc. 

Khanh Hoa Province’s Market Management Department is strengthening the inspection and supervision on the market to promptly detect and strictly handle violations of the law on prices, speculation, hoarding, smuggled goods, counterfeit goods, and poor quality goods; strengthening measures to fight against smuggling and trade fraud, etc. The unit is now focusing on inspecting the essential goods for Lunar New Year 2021, such as confectionery, wine, beer, soft drinks, cigarettes; food products, and electrical and household goods.
Market management staff checking electrical and household goods
Market management staff checking electrical and household goods
Previously, from December 10 to 23, 2020, the market management force cooperated with other units to carry out 49 inspections, detecting 32 cases of law violation, of which 31 cases were handled. The market management force also propagandized business establishments to sign 15 commitments not to trade in and produce violated goods and goods of low quality; to ensure food safety; to list prices and sell at listed prices; not to speculate and hoard goods, and so on.
Translated by H.N