10:08, 28/08/2021

Key traffic projects speeding up progress

Despite social distancing, many urgent key transport projects in Khanh Hoa Province are still being deployed by investors and contractors with the dual goal of fighting the epidemic and developing the economy.

Despite social distancing, many urgent key transport projects in Khanh Hoa Province are still being deployed by investors and contractors with the dual goal of fighting the epidemic and developing the economy.
The construction site on the right bank of the Cai River through Vinh Ngoc Commune and Vinh Thanh Commune in Nha Trang is still busy and urgent in the days of social distancing. Up to this point, the implementation has reached 19% of the contract value. Nguyen Vu Huy Hoang - Deputy Director of Khanh Vinh Trading Service Construction Company Limited, a representative of the contractor said that achieving the current construction volume is thanks to the effort of the contractor despite the context of the epidemic. 
At the D30 project connecting 23-10 Street with Vo Nguyen Giap Street, the contractor is actively implementing paths and bridge.
In 2021, the province's total public investment capital plan assigned to the provincial investment project management board for construction of agricultural and rural development projects is VND 154 billion. With the good implementation of solutions to maintain construction at the works, up to this point, the management board has disbursed more than 115 billion VND, reaching 74.78% of the capital plan. It is expected that by January 31, 2022, 100% of the capital plan will be fully disbursed.


embankment on the right bank of Cai river through Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh communes
Construction site embankment on the right bank of Cai river through Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh communes
During the time Nha Trang applies social distancing measures in accordance with Directive 16, the construction sites of the above projects are still operating. However, in order to avoid the concentration of forces and vehicles in the same place at the same time, the distance of construction items has been calculated. The list of engineers and workers has been sent to the local government for management and supervision. At the same time, the workers perform "3 on-site" and are tested every 3 days. In addition, vehicles transporting construction materials supplied to the works are thoroughly checked, drivers are required to have a valid negative test certificate.
In 2021, the provincial investment project management board for construction of agricultural and rural development projects is the investor of 5 projects. Most of these projects are in the group of urgent works, including Road D30, embankment on the right bank of Cai river through Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh communes, Phu Hoi sea embankment (Van Thang commune, Van Ninh district)… Therefore, when the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, the management board developed a plan for contractors to maintain construction and strive to complete the work on schedule.
Manh Hung
Translated by T.T