11:10, 28/10/2021

Facilitating import and export businesses

Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate has been implementing solutions to support and create favorable conditions for import and export activities of enterprises, thereby contributing to increasing state budget revenue.

Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate has been implementing solutions to support and create favorable conditions for import and export activities of enterprises, thereby contributing to increasing state budget revenue.
Currently, Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate manages more than 60 import-export enterprises, only 13 of which open regular declarations. The main imported goods are garment raw materials, aquatic materials, materials for tobacco production, machinery, spare parts and electronic components. Major export items include: furniture, garments, sports devices, cigarettes, frozen seafood... So far this year, especially in the third quarter, enterprises have faced many difficulties in import and export activities due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. In September, only 628 import and export declarations were opened, down 7.51% compared to August.


Officers of Nha Trang port border gate Customs Sub-Department guide import and export procedures for enterprises.
Officers of Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate guide import and export procedures for enterprises.
According to the report of Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate, in 9 months, the branch has received and processed 662 online public service dossiers, an increase of 34.83% over the same period last year. According to Mr. Le Thanh Hai - an employee of the import-export department of Khanh Viet Corporation's office, in the past time, due to the epidemic situation, imported goods were delayed and did not meet the enterprise's plan. /3 compared to the same period last year. However, businesses have received timely and effective support from Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate such as: Guidance for businesses to apply information technology to be more proactive in declaring customs procedures, reduce the time to release the goods; guide enterprises to submit dossiers and documents via email box established by the branch; arrange staff on duty to record and remove problems arising from enterprises when carrying out procedures during the local implementation of social distancing.
Tran Minh Tuan - Deputy Director of Customs Branch in Nha Trang Port Border Gate said that in the past time, in order to facilitate enterprises in import and export activities, the branch has implemented many solutions such as customs clearance for businesses 24/7, including Sundays and holidays; intensifying the application of information technology for customs clearance to be done online fast, correctly and safely. In addition, the branch also created a Zalo group between the business community and customs to exchange and capture information and problems in order to promptly solve difficulties for businesses. The branch also conveyed new regulatory documents related to customs procedures; established a group to support import and export activities for enterprises, which is in charge of the leadership of the sub-department…
Currently, fulfilling the budget revenue target is a great difficulty for the branch. From now until the end of the year, the branch will continue to effectively implement solutions to create more favorable conditions for enterprises to promote import and export when restoring production and business in the new situation, thereby striving to accomplish assigned revenue targets.
Mai Hoang
Translated by T.T