11:10, 27/10/2021

Entrepreneurs make effort during Covid-19 pandemic

Businesses have never faced such difficulties until the Covid-19 pandemic hit. However, at the most difficult time, local entrepreneurs have shown their qualities. They have tried to overcome difficulties and seize business opportunities so that businesses can stand firm. They also have responsibility to the community during the pandemic.

Businesses have never faced such difficulties until the Covid-19 pandemic hit. However, at the most difficult time, local entrepreneurs have shown their qualities. They have tried to overcome difficulties and seize business opportunities so that businesses can stand firm. They also have responsibility to the community during the pandemic.
Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee meets entrepreneurs at the program
Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee meets entrepreneurs at the program
Facing lots of challenges
In mid-July, the Covid-19 epidemic outbroke, severely affecting the local economy. Many enterprises have to suspend operations, reduce production, even dissolve; a lot of projects suddenly stopped; many hundreds of economic contracts haven’t been carried out…
Looking at the number of 1,222 businesses in the province that had to stop operations for 9 months, we can to see all the terrible devastation of the disease. However, in the most difficult times, many other businesses have overcome difficulties to keep production, ensure revenue and workers' lives. That is the bravery of entrepreneurs, who steer the "boat" of enterprises. Entrepreneur Nguyen Van Du - Director of Vietnam Tuna Co., Ltd. confided: "Facing the Covid-19 epidemic, we were extremely worried but we have tried to maintain production, maintain orders, and ensure jobs for employees. Each month, the company accepts to spend an additional 1 billion VND for production activities. During the most difficult period, we hired hotels for employees to stay after working hours.


Production in the epidemic
Production in the epidemic
Against difficulties and challenges, business owners still tried to find ways to maintain and develop the company. Nguyen Khanh Toan - Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of VCN Investment Joint Stock Company shared: “Every business spent a difficult time, so did our company. But doing business has to cope with it. During the epidemic, there is no way than to calmly face difficulties and find ways to adapt and overcome the pandemic together."
Responsibile with the community
During the past Covid-19 epidemic, the province received tens of billions from local enterprises to donate the epidemic prevention and fight and the province's vaccine fund. Despite being in difficulties, entrepreneurs spent both finance and effort to buy goods and essential items sent to the epidemic places. Only in the first week when the Provincial People's Committee issued a call, enterprises have supported more than 30 billion VND for the province's vaccine fund.
Vuong Vinh Hiep - General Director of Long Sinh Co., Ltd. and Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Young Entrepreneurs Association affirmed: "We have devoted a lot of enthusiasm to creating a corporate culture in which we participate in social activities such as giving scholarships to poor but studious students, typical students of the province, giving gifts to the poor, giving Tet gifts to poor workers and ethnic minorities, donating to charity houses; donating to flood areas; contribute to the Covid-19 vaccine fund and join in many other social community activities.”
Nguyen Tan Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee assessed that with efforts, enterprises in the province has contributed resources, and overcome common difficulties together with the province. The province highly appreciates the efforts in business as well as contributions in social activities of enterprises  and the epidemic prevention and control.
Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T