10:10, 27/10/2021

Khanh Hoa Province: Production recovering

Production activities of most enterprises in Khanh Hoa Province are gradually back to new normal. To help enterprises overcome difficulties, the provincial authority continues to have policies to support them timely.

Production activities of most enterprises in Khanh Hoa Province are gradually back to new normal. To help enterprises overcome difficulties, the provincial authority continues to have policies to support them timely.
Enterprises proactively overcome difficulties
Entering the new normal period, enterprises in the province face many difficulties and challenges. Orders and output decrease, putting revenue down, causing a serious shortage of input cash flow. The costs of maintaining production and business activities of enterprises also increase... However, identifying this problem, many enterprises have drawn up specific plans to overcome difficulties, stabilize production and business and create jobs for workers.
Vuong Vinh Hiep - General Director of Long Sinh Co., Ltd. said that even during the epidemic, the company determined to maintain operations. The company must ensure not to cancel the signed export contracts. In addition, enterprises have made efforts to expand and seek more foreign orders. Therefore, the company now has basically overcome the difficulties caused by the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. Currently, the company's revenue exceeds the same period in 2020.


Production activities at Hai Nam Co., Ltd.
Production at Hai Nam Co., Ltd
The provincial authority facilitating enterprises
Over the past time, the Provincial People's Committee has offered many synchronous solutions to realize the "dual goals" of epidemic prevention and economic development. Especially, when returning to the new normal, the authority always listens and makes timely adjustments to create favorable conditions for enterprises to resume production and business. Huynh Long Quan - Deputy General Director of Nha Trang Seafoods Joint Stock Company - F17 said that the Provincial People's Committee has many policies to help businesses recover production. 
According to the report of the Department of Planning and Investment, by the end of September, the province has reduced the insurance for occupational accidents and diseases for 4,763 employers with the support amount of more than 7 billion VND; temporarily stopped paying to the retirement and survivorship fund for 8 enterprises with an amount of more than 5.5 billion VND; adjusted debt terms, extended debts for 363 businesses in difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic with the total value of principal and interest structured at 8,346 billion VND; lending nearly 1.8 billion VND for 5 businesses to pay wages to stop working and wages to restore production.


Production at
Production at  Nha Trang Seafoods Joint Stock Company - F17
At the same time, the Provincial People's Committee also proposed to the Government, central ministries and branches to issue policies to support enterprises, cooperatives and business households.
Nguyen Thi Ha - Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Investment said that since the beginning of the year, the department has received 91 recommendations from businesses sent to provincial leaders and departments, agencies, 64 of 91 petitions have been resolved completely, 27 ones are being resolved and to be monitored. In order to create favorable conditions as well as promptly remove difficulties and obstacles for businesses, the department will advise the Provincial People's Committee to organize a dialogue with businesses scheduled to take place at the end of November.
Le Huu Hoang - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: The provincial authority will accompany businesses to remove difficulties and obstacles in production and business due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. In the coming time, the province will direct agencies, departments, branches and localities to implement drastic and effective measures to ensure both epidemic prevention and control, while creating conditions to maintain production and business activities and recover the economy.