11:10, 31/10/2022

Solving problems for businesses on tax policies, customs and administrative procedures

During the past time, the Tax and Customs sector of Khanh Hoa province has held many conferences to directly dialogue with businesses on tax policies, customs and administrative procedures. Thereby, many problems were promptly removed, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to do business.

During the past time, the Tax and Customs sector of Khanh Hoa province has held many conferences to directly dialogue with businesses on tax policies, customs and administrative procedures. Thereby, many problems were promptly removed, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to do business.
According to Phan Thanh Son - Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Customs Department, over the past time, the Customs sector has always taken the opinions of businesses as the center and made efforts to reform towards digitization to help businesses carry out procedures quickly. The unit has organized many customs - enterprise dialogue conferences to propagate the law on customs, tax and related laws; maintaining the operational efficiency of receiving, guiding and answering enterprises' problems. In addition, the unit has organized meetings with enterprises to record problems, recommendations and promptly report to the General Department of Customs any problems beyond their authority.
Representatives of businesses raised problems at the conference.
Representatives of businesses make question at the conference.
Luong Xuan Thu - Head of the Section of Propaganda and Support for Taxpayers under the Provincial Tax Department said that every year, tax authorities survey the needs of enterprises to organize training conferences. Regarding the listing of administrative procedures, the representative of the provincial Tax Department affirmed that the tax agency ensures to fully and publicly list all administrative procedures at tax departments and agencies. However, the access of enterprises is still limited. Therefore, in the near future, the tax authority will conduct scanning QR codes for administrative procedures to make it more convenient for businesses. In addition, at present, the tax authorities have many channels to receive problems, especially at the website thuedientu.gdt.gov.vn, businesses can send the question that needs to be answered for the tax agency to respond to the business.
According to the survey results of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) - Representative Office in Khanh Hoa, 60.5% of surveyed enterprises said that over the past time, the process and procedures of tax - customs significantly improved, creating more favorable conditions for enterprises…
Translated by T.T