11:02, 25/02/2023

Growth in cashless payments

Payment via QR code, e-wallet, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking... has become a habit of many people from urban to rural areas, contributing to the promotion of non-cash payment activities to achieve high growth in recent time.

Payment via QR code, e-wallet, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking... has become a habit of many people from urban to rural areas, contributing to the promotion of non-cash payment activities to achieve high growth in recent time.
Nguyen Luan, a beverage shop owner on Da Tuong Street (Nha Trang City), said that, in two recent years, the trend of customers paying by bank transfer has been increasing. At first, he was not excited when customers transferred money because it took him time to withdraw cash to pay suppliers and pay daily living expenses. However, Luan's thoughts and habits gradually changed when his partners also wanted to make transfers as it’s quick, convenient and easy to manage. Therefore, for more than a year now, Luan no longer withdraws cash, because most living expenses such as electricity, water, children's school fees, etc., are paid through banking application on the phone. Even when using services, eating, going to the market, etc., he also transfers money. Now, he has registered accounts of 4 big banks and has a QR code pasted in the cash collection area for customers' convenience when paying.
At a retail store of mobile devices and technology on 2-4 street (Nha Trang), more than 70% of customers use cashless payment. This store also cooperates with VNPAY to reduce prices from 100,000 to 300,000 VND for customers when paying through this application for orders of 4 million VND or more.


Customers paying via QR code at a store in Nha Trang
Customers paying via QR code at a store in Nha Trang
Payment via QR code, e-wallet, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking... has become a modern habit of many people from urban to rural areas, especially young customers. In the past, people always had to carry a lot of cash when eating, drinking, and shopping, but now with just an ATM card or a mobile phone, all services will be paid. Shops, cafes, restaurants and even traditional market vendors have gradually accepted cashless payment. This saves time and costs for both the seller and the buyer.
According to the assessment of the State Bank of Khanh Hoa Branch, in 2022, non-cash payment activities and electronic payments in the province continued to record a high growth compared to 2021. By the end of 2022, payments through Internet sales reached 90,606 billion VND, up 185.96%; payment via mobile phone reached VND 255,038 billion, up 51.67%. The banking actively participates in digital transformation, developing new payment products and services, based on the application of modern technology; promoting the deployment of payment applications, products and services on mobile devices, promoting the development of the digital economy; and strengthening solutions to ensure security and safety in payment activities. Many banking operations such as opening a payment account, making payment, transferring money, depositing money and saving money have been fully digitized 100%, allowing customers to perform completely on digital channels.
In addition, banks also coordinate with units to implement payment via banks for services (electricity, water, hospital fees, tuition fees, etc.). In addition, payment via banks for public services continued to achieve positive results, 100% of import-export tax and customs fees and charges were paid via banks; sales of electronic tax payment reached more than 96%; 49,317 administrative procedures were paid fees and charges online, accounting for 21.6% of the total number of documents received online.
Do Trong Thao - Deputy Director in charge of the State Bank of Khanh Hoa Branch said that the application of information technology in the development of banking products and services has been changing the structure, mode of operation and providing services of the banking system; forming many new and modern financial service products, creating favorable conditions for customers to use banking services and saving transaction costs.
Mai Hoang
Translated by T.T