11:02, 25/02/2023

Promoting to find big investors

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has promulgated the provincial Investment Promotion Program in 2023. 

Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee has promulgated the provincial Investment Promotion Program in 2023. In which, the province will give priority to attracting investment in digital economic sectors, industries developed on the basis of 4.0 technology, projects with high quality technology and advanced technology; resolutely not to accept projects using outdated technology, consuming energy, risking environmental pollution...
Pursuant to Resolution No. 09 of the Politburo on construction and development of Khanh Hoa province to 2030, with a vision to 2045 and other resolutions of the Central Government for the province, the investment promotion program in 2023 is determined to focus on implementing the five-year socio-economic development targets (2021-2025) of the province. The program is also oriented to diversify partners and investment forms; give priority to foreign projects linked with the domestic economic sector in line with the objectives of serving sustainable development and environmental protection. In particular, investment projects are required to ensure national defense, security, security, social order and safety, and enhance the independence and autonomy of the economy.
The program to promote and call for investment projects in this period have to be in line with the approved provincial plannings, ensuring the overall socio-economic and environmental efficiency. 
Cam Ranh Bay
Cam Ranh Bay
Phan Nam Sach - Director of the Center for Investment Promotion and Business Support (under the Department of Planning and Investment) said: "In order to successfully implement the 5-year socio-economic development plan for the period 2021 - 2025 and the province's socio-economic recovery and development program, the investment promotion plan 2023 will carry out eight key activities, including: Researching potentials, markets, trends and investment partners; building an information system and database for investment promotion activities; building a list of projects attracting investment; developing publications and documents for investment promotion activities; building images, propagating, promoting and introducing the environment, policies, potentials, opportunities and investment connections; training to improve capacity on investment promotion; supporting, guiding and facilitating investment activities; making domestic and international cooperation on investment promotion. The total funding for the program's activities is more than 2.7 billion VND from the state budget of the province.
The province's investment promotion program in 2023 will prioritize attracting investment in digital economic sectors, industries developed on the basis of technology 4.0 such as: ICT industry (information and communication technology), digital, nanotechnology, biological industry, new materials, pharmaceuticals, biology, high-tech agriculture, environmental technology, clean energy, etc. In addition, the program will promote the attraction of industrial park infrastructure projects and mechanisms for using foreign investment capital for research, application, innovation, start-up and technology transfer activities.
In addition, the province will give priority to projects with high technology content, advanced technology, modern governance, high added value, spread effects and advanced technology transfer to ensure the participation of Vietnamese enterprises in the value chain and contribute to socio-economic restructuring. The provincial People's Committee determined that, depending on the development conditions of the province, the attraction of investment in new projects is required to ensure the harmony between growth goals, create local revenue with the project's technological level and use use domestic resources; resolutely not to accept projects using outdated technology, consuming energy, and risking environmental pollution.
NGUYEN TAN TUAN - Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Province Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: The Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Planning and Investment to act as the focal point, chair and coordinate with other departments, agencies and sectors to effectively implement the Investment Promotion Program 2023. After the planning of Khanh Hoa province for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, adjusting the general planning of Van Phong Economic Zone to 2040, with a vision to 2050... is approved, the provincial Department Planning and Investment will coordinate with departments, agencies and sectors to organize the conference to announce the provincial investment planning and promotion in 2023 (expected to be held in April 2023), the investment promotion conference in Hanoi and TP. Ho Chi Minh; supporting investors and large corporations to explore investment opportunities in the province; disseminating and propagating contents and guiding the order of implementation of investment projects not using state capital in the province; reviewing and updating the list of projects calling for investment in accordance with new conditions, meeting the development needs of industries and localities...
Dinh Lam
Translated by T.T