11:02, 25/02/2023

Van Ninh: Efficiency from job creation capital

Recently, the Transaction Office of the Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) in Van Ninh district has focused on effectively implementing the disbursement of capital of the loan program to create, maintain and expand jobs. It has helped local people have more conditions to restore production and economic development after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Recently, the Transaction Office of the Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) in Van Ninh district has focused on effectively implementing the disbursement of capital of the loan program to create, maintain and expand jobs. It has helped local people have more conditions to restore production and economic development after the Covid-19 pandemic.
In August 2022, with the guidance and support of the savings and loan group of the Women's Union of Tan Phu village (Van Phu commune), Le Thi Kim was lent 100 million VND by the transaction office of the district VBSP from the lending program to create jobs, maintain and expand jobs for investment in livestock. From this capital, Kim's family bought 3 cows worth 70 million VND, increasing the number of cows in her family to 7. And she invested the rest of the money in more fertilizer and irrigation system for more than 200 coconut trees in the fruiting period and raising nearly 200 chickens. Kim excitedly told us that recently, a cow bought from VBSP's capital had given birth to a calf. In addition to breeding and farming models, Kim's family also works in agricultural services, bringing a stable income of more than 10 million VND/month, helping her family's life to be better than before and being able to afford 4 children.
Kim's family borrowed capital to develop planting and breeding.
Kim's family borrowed capital to develop planting and breeding.
Having access to a loan of VND 50 million from the program in December 2022, Nguyen Van Tham's family (Hai Trieu village, Van Long commune) can expand the aquaculture model in ponds. He said that his family has 2 aquaculture ponds with a total area of nearly 5,000m2, one of which is for raising fish and shrimp. His family wanted to raise more snails on the remaining earthen pond but lacked capital. With loans and family funds, Tham has released 120,000 snails in early 2023. Currently, these snails are growing well.
Nguyen Thanh Long - Director of Van Ninh District VBSP's Transaction Office said that the unit has reviewed the need for loans to restore production and economic development of people in the district. Particularly in 2022 and 2023, the loan demand of the lending program to create, maintain and expand jobs is about VND 87 billion. To effectively implement the program, the District VBSP's transaction office has coordinated with 12 communes and townships (except Van Thanh commune) as well as socio-political organizations to receive loan entrustment to promote propaganda to the people about the program and mobilize capital sources to fully meet the borrowing needs of the people. During the implementation of the program, Van Ninh district VBSP has coordinated with communes, townships, and socio-political organizations to carry out a rigorous review of loans to the right subjects. At the same time, the district VBSP has strengthened the inspection and supervision of loan use, thereby improving credit quality, slashing the program's overdue debt ratio to 0.08% of the total outstanding loans.
In 2023, Van Ninh District VBSP's transaction office will continue to focus on implementing solutions to effectively implement the lending program to create jobs, maintain and expand jobs, striving to disburse about VND 34 billion. At the same time, the unit regularly reviews the borrowing needs of the people to summarize and request the superiors to consider and deploy loans in the district to help more people access loans from the program.
In 2022, the district VBSP's transaction office disbursed more than 53 billion VND of program loans, bringing the outstanding loan balance to more than 130 billion VND with 3,170 households with outstanding loans. Thanks to the maximum loan of 100 million VND, it has helped people have favorable conditions to restore production, business, and develop the household economy; thereby creating jobs for about 1,800 people.
Dong Xuan
Translated by T.T