23:33, 23/09/2023

Cam Ranh: Abundant typical rural industrial products

Recently, Cam Ranh City People's Committee has deployed the program to vote for typical rural industrial products extensively, attracting rural industry establishments to participate. Thereby, many quality products have been recognized as typical agricultural products, and are well received by consumers.

Representative of the provincial Department of Industry and Trade award certificates to units and individuals with typical rural industrial products in 2023.

Hoang Huy Cam Ranh Co., Ltd. operating in the construction field has had products participate in voting for typical rural industrial products 3 times. In 2019 and 2021, the company's block brick products achieved typical rural industrial products at the city and provincial levels. In 2023, the company has 2 block and terrazzo brick products voted and awarded certificates of typical rural industrial products at the city level; and they will  participate in voting for typical rural industrial products at the provincial level. Ho Thi Tuong Vy - director of the company shared: "This is the third time the company's block brick products and the first time its terrazzo brick products have participated in voting for typical rural industrial products. Thereby, the company has been supported by the provincial Department of Industry and Trade, the Center for Industrial Promotion and Trade Promotion of provinces and cities in producing, introducing and promoting of brands and products through joining in fairs inside and outside the province".

Dried mango of Top Food Co., Ltd.

From 2013 to now, through 6 times of organization (every 2 years), 68 products from rural industrial establishments in Cam Ranh have registered to participate the vote for typical rural industrial products. As a result, 54 products were certified as typical rural industrial products at the city level; more than 30 products participated in the provincial voting and were certified as typical agricultural products at the provincial level. These are quality products with potential for develop and meet market demand. Ngo Huu Hien - Vice Chairman of Cam Ranh City People's Committee assessed that the voting for typical agricultural products is a practical activity. Thereby, rural industry establishments can affirm their brands and product quality as well as have motivation to develop more in the coming time. In 2023, Cam Ranh had 8 products participating in the voting and all 8 products were recognized as typical rural agricultural products at the city level. Although the number of participating products is lower than the previous voting (2021), the quality and design of the products registered to participate are highly appreciated.

Rice paper products of business household Phan Trong Thanh Truc, Cam Phuoc Dong commune.

In the coming time, in order for the voting for typical agricultural products in Cam Ranh to be effective and attract more products to participate, the City People's Committee has directed the City’s Economic Department to continue advising the City People's Committee to well organize the selections for typical rural agricultural products; coordinate with the Front, unions, relevant departments and localities to carry out propaganda work on industrial promotion policies; grasp the difficulties and problems of establishments to propose timely solutions to the City People's Committee to support and create conditions for establishments to develop production in the coming time; guide, support and create conditions for establishments to access industrial promotion funds and other support policies in investment to develop production, innovate technology and equipment; train laborers; promote trade and advertise products...

Phan Huong
Translated by T.T