10:44, 06/07/2024

Expecting Khanh Son Fruit Festival

On July 5, Khanh Son District People's Committee held a press conference about Khanh Son Fruit Festival 2024. Accordingly, the festival will have many special activities, taking place from August 10 to 13. Coming to the festival, visitors can come to the fruit gardens in full bloom; enjoy delicious fruits and local specialties, especially durian; immerse in the ecological space and unique cultural identity of the indigenous Raglai ethnic minority...

Promoting the land and people of Khanh Son

Blessed by nature with unique climate and soil conditions, Khanh Son has formed a specialized area for growing fruit trees with high economic value. It is expected that during this year's fruit harvest season, Khanh Son farmers will harvest about 17,000 tons of durian and thousands of tons of other agricultural products such as mangosteen, purple sugar cane, avocado, rambutan, jackfruit, grapefruit... Khanh Son is also known as a land with a tradition of revolutionary struggle associated with many historical and cultural relics. The district has a rich traditional culture of the Raglai people that attracts tourists.

Khanh Son has many delicious fruits; especially Khanh Son durian is the golden agricultural brand of Vietnam.

After two successful times, Khanh Son Fruit Festival has left many impressions in the hearts of tourists and friends. Consumers highly appreciate the quality and reasonable prices of Khanh Son agricultural products. Many tourists are also impressed with the culinary characteristics, traditional culture of ethnic minorities in the district and unique natural landscapes. Through trading activities of clean agricultural products in the second fruit festival, about 100 tons of Khanh Son fruits followed tourists to all parts of the country.

Dinh Van Dung - Chairman of Khanh Son District People's Committee said: "Khanh Son Fruit Festival is held periodically every 2 years. Following the success of the previous two organizations, this year, the district continues to organize the third festival to introduce and promote the district's agricultural and tourism potential and strengths; help farmers connect supply and demand, cooperate and link, create opportunities to exchange experiences in the production process, access information, and access new technology in the field of agriculture. At the same time, it introduces the image, people, cuisine and tourism products of Khanh Son district to tourists inside and outside the province, contributing to implementing the socio-economic development orientation of Khanh Son district into a small urban of mountain and forest ecology and clean agricultural production towards sustainable development".

Many attractive activities

The third Khanh Son district fruit festival will be held for 4 days, from August 10 to 13, with many special activities such as organizing activities to connect supply and demand of agricultural products between households, cooperatives, production and business establishments with organizations, businesses, and individuals with needs inside and outside the district; recreating traditional festivals of the Raglai people, performing and displaying Khanh Son stone instruments; delicious fruit contest and display of some traditional handicraft products such as baskets, crossbows, and local wine. Also at the fruit festival, the festival will comprise meetings and exchanges with production and business enterprises in the agricultural sector; organize a workshop to connect tourism development in Khanh Son district... At the festival, 60 booths will be arranged to display fruits with high economic value of the district such as durian, mangosteen, green-skinned grapefruit, turmeric jackfruit, female jackfruit, purple sugarcane... and other items of economic value.

Performing stone instrument at Khanh Son Fruit Festival 2022

Cao Minh Vy - Vice Chairman of Khanh Son District People's Committee shared from successfully organizing the fruit festival, Khanh Son has gradually positioned itself in the hearts of tourists inside and outside the province. The first fruit festival had about 10,000 visitors coming to Khanh Son while the figure in the second fruit festival was 15,000 visitors. This year's fruit festival is expected to increase more. Accommodation establishments in the district have also prepared food and accommodation to serve visitors to Khanh Son. The district also mobilized families in the area to prepare empty rooms to accommodate guests. At the same time, the district will also organize groups of volunteers to guide tourists to watch clouds, visit fruit gardens, and local scenic spots...

With many interesting activities, the third Khanh Son Fruit Festival promises to bring tourists inside and outside the province interesting experiences in the sweet fruit region.

The third Khanh Son Fruit Festival will have activities taking place throughout such as buying, selling and exchanging clean agricultural products; performing and displaying stone instruments. On August 10, there will be a delicious fruit contest with super big durian and super big grapefruit; the opening art program will take place at 20-11 Square, To Hap town). On August 11, there will be activities: Workshop to connect tourism development in Khanh Son district; skillful village elders contest; art performance program. On August 12, there will be activities: conference to connect supply and demand for agricultural products in Khanh Son district; re-enacting the Raglai People's Thanksgiving Ceremony for Parents, the Ceremony of Eating New Rice Heads; culinary contest introduces delicious dishes associated with local identity; Art performance program with the theme "Khanh Son - Aspiration to reach far". On August 13, there will be activities: Workshop to attract investment in organic agricultural production, clean and safe fruit; folk games, group dancing and singing, and a closing art program.

Hai Lang
Translated by T.T