12:49, 09/07/2024

Khanh Hoa Province: Good domestic revenue

Right from the beginning of the year, the Tax Department of Khanh Hoa province has focused on implementing synchronous solutions on state budget revenue management. Domestic revenue in the province in the first 6 months of 2024 increased by 17% over the same period in 2023.

Achieving 52.8% of estimate

According to the report of the provincial Tax Department, in the first 6 months of the year, domestic revenue in the province was 7,713 billion VND, reaching 52.8% of the ordinance estimate and increasing 17.5% over the same period in 2023. 9 out of 17 revenues and taxes exceeded the estimated schedule, such as revenue from the non-state economic sector: 57.6%; revenue from state-invested enterprises: 57.9%; personal income: 66.2%; fees: 98.2%; land rental and water surface rental collection: 222.3%... This result was achieved thanks to the first months of the year, the province continued to synchronously deploy socio-economic development tasks and solutions; actively and effectively implement Resolution No. 09 of the Politburo on building and developing Khanh Hoa province to 2030, with a vision to 2045 and Resolution No. 55 of the National Assembly on piloting a number of special mechanisms and policies for the development of Khanh Hoa province to create conditions to attract investors; accelerate the implementation of projects under the National Target Program and key national and provincial projects, such as Van Phong - Nha Trang section of North - South Expressway, Khanh Hoa Expressway - Buon Ma Thuot... On the other hand, the province's tourism industry has promoted domestic and foreign tourism promotion activities, many international airlines have opened flights to Khanh Hoa, attracting tourists to the province and making a significant contribution to budget revenue.

Foreign tourists come to Khanh Hoa

In addition, the provincial Tax Department has promptly implemented tax support policies, such as tax exemption, reduction, extension of tax payment, land rent to support and create conditions for businesses to have more financial resources for investment, develop production and business, nurture and create sustainable sources of revenue for the local budget. In tax management, the tax sector strengthens inspection and testing to prevent tax loss for businesses with high tax risks; focus on invoice management to prevent illegal trading and use of invoices to legalize smuggled goods and tax evasion; promptly exchange information and coordinate with competent forces in investigating, verifying and handling smugglers and frauds related to tax management. In addition, the provincial Tax Department regularly closely monitor budget collection progress, analyze and forecast the situation and impacts affecting budget revenue in the area; actively coordinate with relevant departments and branches in revenue management, identify potential revenue sources, areas and types of taxes where revenue is lacking to promptly advise and propose the Provincial People's Committee to direct solutions to regulate implementing budget collection in the province... In particular, the tax sector promptly deployed electronic invoice applications, electronic invoices created from cash registers, business household digital maps... to create favorable for taxpayers to develop production, business, and circulation of goods and services to pay to the budget according to regulations.

Keeping implementing solutions synchronously

According to Nguyen Thanh - Head of the Legal Estimation Department under Khanh Hoa Provincial Tax Department, although the first months of the year's budget collection achieved positive results, there are still many difficulties in completing the collection task for the whole year. Therefore, to complete the yearly budget collection task, the provincial Tax Department has issued an official dispatch directing units throughout the industry to review and identify key tasks, fields and industries to focus on exploiting resources and preventing tax loss.

At a supermarket in Nha Trang

The provincial Tax Department directs relevant units and departments to strictly control invoice data information for each subject of management and risk information about invoices provided by the industry and competent agencies, and professional measures are taken to detect and promptly prevent acts of fraud, buying and selling and using illegal invoices. Along with that, the provincial Tax Department coordinate with relevant departments, branches and units to well implement the regulations on natural resource and mineral exploitation tax management of the Provincial People's Committee; continue to strictly and fully implement measures to urge and enforce tax debt, publicize information, and promote the application of exit ban measures for business owners and legal representatives of businesses with tax debt according to regulations.


Translated by T.T