23:12, 30/09/2024

Get rich on Khanh Son land

On the journey to help Khanh Son escape from poverty, there have been many examples of young ethnic minorities who know how to make a living and have a comfortable life. They are the "nucleus" that arouses the will to self-reliant of the poor, contributing to the effective implementation of poverty reduction work in the locality.

Young millionaires

Going up to Khanh Son this season, from the top of the pass, looking far away, we can see the villages, winding roads nestled next to green fruit gardens after a bumper crop. In the vast durian gardens throughout the district, more and more large, beautiful, and sturdy houses of ethnic minority millionaires are appearing. Arriving at the particularly difficult village of Ko Roa (Son Lam commune), we were surprised by the newly completed villa-style house of Cao Thanh Hai's family - a Raglai millionaire farmer born in 1989.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Toan surveyed the fruit tree growing and livestock raising model of Mau Thi Hiem's family in Ta Nia village, Son Trung commune.

Hai confided that in the past, his family had been among the poor in the locality, but thanks to hard work, learning from the experiences and boldly borrowing capital from the district's Social Policy Bank to invest in growing durian, his family has risen to have a comfortable life like today. "My family has 3 hectares of durian. Up to now, more than 300 trees have been harvested. In the last crop, my family earned more than 2 billion VND; after deducting expenses, the profit was nearly 1.5 billion VND. Thanks to growing durian, my family's life has become much better than before, after 2 crops, the family has saved up to build a stable house. My family will continue to invest in developing organic durian trees on the entire 3 hectares to increase the selling price and export," said Hai.

Hearing that there are many young Raglai millionaires in Son Trung commune, we visited the fruit tree growing and livestock raising model of MMau Thi Hiem's family (born in 1990, Ta Nia village). Hiem and her husband were optimistic and always believed that with the support of the State, their diligence and enthusiasm for work, their family would soon have a prosperous and happy life. "My family has 1 hectare of durian that is being harvested, the last crop earned nearly 400 million VND. In addition to growing durian, my husband and I do breeding... Each year, we earn more than 100 million VND. Our life has become more stable, now my husband and I try to work hard, learn more from the experiences of households that know how to do business to continue to rise up", Hiem happily said.

Not far from Hiem's house is the house of Tro Thi Hop (born in 1991, in Chi Chay village, Son Trung commune), who is known as a good businesswoman in the village and commune. Talking to us, Hop recalled: In 2009, she got married and lived with her parents. At first, her family was often in need. The couple worked as hired laborers and saved little. Along with a loan of 8 million VND from the Social Policy Bank, she borrowed 20 million VND from relatives to start a business, build barns and buy 10 piglets. Seeing that durian trees were the "key" to getting rich here, she boldly converted from mixed gardens to durian growing, then continued to develop livestock farming, grocery business and traditional rice wine making, each year her family's income reached more than 600 million VND.

Key to promote poverty reduction

In addition to the above examples, currently, in Khanh Son district, there are many ethnic minority households that are good at production and business, with incomes from hundreds of millions to several billion VND per year. Talking to them, we realized that: Most of them are young. They do not have the mentality of waiting and relying on the support policies of the State, but are energetic, eager to learn, hard-working and have the desire to get rich in their homeland. Like the story of Hai, when a charity group came to the district to give gifts, he did not accept them, only received durian seedlings to grow for economic development and he chose to grow durian organically so that the trees could develop sustainably, with better quality and higher selling prices.

A view of To Hap town.

In addition to enriching their families, these millionaires are also the key to promoting poverty reduction in each locality. They are role models for ethnic minorities in their families and villages to learn from and follow in order to rise up in life. They have also cared for and supported other poor households with business experience, techniques for taking care of crops and livestock, and even provided capital and job creation for other households to do business to escape poverty sustainably.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Dong - Vice Chairman of Khanh Son District People's Committee shared that in the district, there are about 3,000 households with good production and business recognized by all levels, of which more than 50% are ethnic minority households. Compared to 2019, the poverty rate of the whole district was more than 44%, now it is only about 25%, and it is expected to be less than 23% by the end of this year. Along with other criteria, Khanh Son will reach the finish line of escaping from poverty 1 year earlier than the target set by the Resolution of the District Party Congress at the beginning of the 2020 - 2025 term.

When visiting effective production models that help poor ethnic minority households escape poverty sustainably in Khanh Son district recently, Mr. Nguyen Khac Toan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council expressed his joy when hearing about the way of doing business, income, and quality of life of ethnic minority households in the district that are increasingly improved. Mr. Nguyen Khac Toan praised the ethnic minority households for overcoming the mentality of waiting and relying on the support of the Party and the State, for working hard, eager to learn and striving to rise up, creating a better life. "Localities in Khanh Son district need to continue to closely monitor and pay more attention to the lives of ethnic minority households in the area; must arouse the will to rise up of poor households, near-poor households, especially ethnic minority households so that together with the support policies implemented by the Central and the province, the households will escape poverty sustainably. With their experience, well-off households care for and help poor households in the village and commune so that they can rise up together and create a prosperous and happy life...", Mr. Nguyen Khac Toan emphasized.

Hai Lang – Hong Dang

Translated by T.T