11:33, 28/06/2023

Happy families, prosperous country

Vietnamese Family Day (June 28) themed “Happy Family-Prosperous Country” is designed to promote the role and meaning of families towards social development.

According to Le Van Hoa, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, over the past time, the State management of families  and domestic violence prevention and control in the province has been implemented quite synchronously. Up to now, 100% of communes, wards and townships have built a steering committees. Districts and towns have planned to implement the Secretariat’s Directive No. 06 dated June 24, 2022 on strengthening the Party's leadership in family work in the new situation, period 2021 - 2030; Family development strategy up to 2030; Program on domestic violence prevention and control in the new situation up to 2025; Ethical education program in the family till 2030.


Every year, localities organize activities on Vietnam Family Day; National action month on domestic violence prevention and control, International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls (November 25).

129 of domestic violence prevention and control models have been established across the province with 762 family clubs for sustainable development; 838 groups of domestic violence prevention and control; 1,975 community support addresses. Propaganda have been boosted to help raise public awareness of family violence prevention and control and moral education. Effective measures have been taken to prevent and respond to family violence. Most of the households have stable income and their material and spiritual life has been significantly improved. However, there are some shortcomings related to lack of funding and specialized staff.

22 years ago, the Prime Minister designated  June 28 as Vietnam Family Day. The family is the basic component of any society. Family units serve as the nursery for the citizens. Families are also responsible for educating children and instilling traditional cultural values, fight social evils, create human resources for national construction and defense. 

Families are so important to society. Family units serve as the nursery for citizens. The day is to honor traditional family values, mobilize the masses to follow cultural lifestyles; build cultural lifestyles and expand the model of happy families for sustainable development, child abuse prevention and control, appraise organizations and individuals with contribution to family work.

On this occasion, localities will also organize cultural and sporting activities and competitions adapting to actual conditions to honor family values and typical families. This is also a good chance for family members get closer during a cozy family meal to share stories and ideas and receive mutual care, thus strengthening family ties.  

Translated by N.T