08:04, 01/04/2013

Doctors to mountainous villages

With the slogan Humanitarian Itinerary for Community’s Health, Nha Trang Medical College organized a program “Doctors to villages” in three mountainous communes Khanh Thuong, Yangly and Lien Sang, Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province on March 30...

With the slogan Humanitarian Itinerary for Community’s Health, Nha Trang Medical College organized a program “Doctors to villages” in three mountainous communes Khanh Thuong, Yangly and Lien Sang, Khanh Vinh District, Khanh Hoa Province on March 30.


Accordingly, the program gave medical examination and free medicine to poor and revolutionary people there. 682 presents were offered to them. The charity activity cost about VND100 million.

Doctor Truong Quang Thuan, principal of Nha Trang Medical Center, giving presents to revolutionary families.


Giving dental examination to rural people.


Examing child.


Giving free medicine to poor people.


Students cutting hair for children


Students cleaning environment in Khanh Thuong Commune