03:05, 16/05/2013

Ebullient activities of Young Pioneer Organization in Khanh Hoa

In 2012 and early 2013, Young Pioneer Organization in Khanh Hoa Province has held many attractive activities such as taking part in the propagative program “Fatherland’ seas and islands in our heart”, competing for good conductors and computerists, holding a meeting with disabled children who have overcome difficulties and studied well, etc...


In 2012 and early 2013, Young Pioneer Organization in Khanh Hoa Province has held many attractive activities such as taking part in the propagative program “Fatherland’ seas and islands in our heart”, competing for good conductors and computerists, holding a meeting with disabled children who have overcome difficulties and studied well, etc.

Competing for good conductors
Competing for good conductors



·                                    Meeting with disabled children who have overcome difficulties and studied well



·                                        Taking part in propagative program “Fatherland’ seas and islands in our heart”



·                      Young pioneers educated on heroic struggle tradition of the nation



·        Taking computing contest



·        Joining “Small Plan” movement