06:06, 23/06/2013

Covering salangane island with green trees

200 employees from subsidiary units and companies of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest Company took part in the 2nd launching ceremony of planting trees on Hoi Noi Island (A2 Island) where salangane on June 16. 


200 employees from subsidiary units and companies of Khanh Hoa Salangane Nest Company took part in the 2nd launching ceremony of planting trees on Hoi Noi Island (A2 Island) where salangane on June 16. This was an activity held by Khanh Hoa Salngane Nest Company to plant 1 million trees on the island.

Hon Noi Island covered with hundreds of thousands of trees.



Juvenile trees planted on A2 Island.



The program is scheduled to be carried out in 2013 and 2014. Accordingly, 500 thousand trees (acacia tree, mulga tree, etc.) will be planted each year.  In the 1st launch on Hon Noi Island, Khanh Hoa Salngane Nest Company planted 150 thousand acacia trees. 100 thousand ones were planted in the 2nd launch. On this occasion, Nha Trang City People’s Committee gave Khanh Hoa Salngane Nest Company 4 Fish Poison Trees brought from the Spratly Island.

Planting Fish Poison Trees from the Spratly Island on A2 Island.





Security guards and members of Khanh Hoa Salagane Nest Company carry acacia trees to plant them.