09:06, 27/06/2013

HQ996 bringing warmth to the Spratly Island

On the early days of June, the ship named HQ 996 carried over 150 relatives of soldiers and people who are working and living on the Spratly Islands for reunion.

On the early days of June, the ship named HQ 996 carried over 150 relatives of soldiers and people who are working and living on the Spratly Islands for reunion. They had daily activities on the ship, looking forward to meeting their beloved on the remote islands.


Everyone on HQ 996 looking forward to meeting their relatives on Spratly Islands.


Commander Pham Van Chuong, vice director of Hai Thanh Company of People’s Navy, instructing route of HQ 996 to people on ship.


Pilots of HQ 996 always steer ship to follow right sea route and ensure safety.


Drying peanut on sunny day.


Having simple but cosy meal.


Youths from Ho Chi Minh City exchanging culture with people on the ship.


Pham Thien So, relative of soldier Pham Thien Ngoc, singing a song.