04:06, 06/06/2013

Over 500 young people take part in environmental communication activity

On June 4, Nha Trang Youth Union organized the launching ceremony of environmental communication activity in response to the Sea Festival and the World Environment Day...

On June 4, Nha Trang Youth Union organized the launching ceremony of environmental communication activity in response to the Sea Festival and the World Environment Day.

More than 500 young local people cleaned up Xom Bong riverside (opposite Vinh Tho Ward People’s Committee).

This activity aims to raise awareness of locals in protecting environment as well as promote the voluntariness of young people, and partly build the good image of Nha Trang City in specific and Khanh Hoa Province in general. 

Music show in the launching ceremony.


Employers of Coopmart, Vietravel and members of C4E Club joined the activity.


Members cleaned up the seashore area right after the launching ceremony.





Waiting to move garbage.


Excitement of young people after cleaning the environment.


The beach will be always clean and more beautiful if everyone engages in environmental protection.