03:08, 20/08/2013

Ebullient with movement game “way to victory”

On 18 August, more than 200 athletes from 15 groups of units under Khanh Viet Corporation joined the qualifying round of the movement game “way to history”.

On 18 August, more than 200 athletes from 15 groups of units under Khanh Viet Corporation joined the qualifying round of the movement game “way to history”.
The athletes competed in games like the tunnel, wall, glorious bridge, and battlefield. The winner was the one who finished the game in the fastest time. 
Finally, the 4 winners who will enter the final round on September 9 were Khanh Hoa Khatoco Cigarette Factory, Khatoco Printing Factory, alliance of Long Phu Joint Stock Tourist Company and Bao Dai Tourist Site, and Yang Bay Tourist Site.
Following are some images of the game:
To reach target, athletes have to assist each other to pass obstacles.


Agility and link are important factors to score in tunnel game.


Skillfulness and calm are required in game battlefield.


Athletes in glorious bridge game.



Athletes have to annihilate targets in fastest time to finish the game.