07:08, 13/08/2013

Hon Chong, beautiful site in Nha Trang

Over millions of years, the nature has created Hon Chong, a beautiful spot with many rocks overlapping each other naturally. Many of them have particularly interesting shapes.

Over millions of years, the nature has created Hon Chong, a beautiful spot with many rocks overlapping each other naturally. Many of them have particularly interesting shapes.

According to a folk legend, a giant came to this area for sightseeing. While looking passionately at the fairies, he slipped and hung on a mountain. This caused the mountain side to collapse, leaving a lot of rocks and a 5-finger-shaped dent on a large rock. Hon Chong has been named from then on.

Hon Vo is a moved story about a faithful wife waiting for her husband until turning into stone.

Unleashing the imagination to immerse in the beautiful masterpieces of nature in Hon Chong tourist site will bring tourists interesting experience.


Hon Chong tourist site.


Fingermark of giant.


Hon Vo.


Rock looks like 2 lambs.


Image of fisherman husband and wife sleeping.


Rocks shaped like “heaven gate”.


Nha Trang beach seen from stone cave.


Image of giant’s fingers hanging on rock cliff.


Looking towards Co Tien Mountain.