11:08, 30/08/2013

Khanh Hoa 7th Sports Festival opens in Nha Trang

On the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the August Revolution and the National Day, the Khanh Hoa 7th Sports Festival was held on August 29 at 19-8 Stadium, Nha Trang City. 

On the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the August Revolution and the National Day, the Khanh Hoa 7th Sports Festival was held on August 29 at 19-8 Stadium, Nha Trang City. 
Mr. Le Xuan Than, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, attended the opening ceremony. 
The following are some images of the event. 


Opening scene of ceremony.
The festival was joined by 1,000 athletes, collaborators, and referees from the districts, towns, cities and the Department of Public Security and Army in the province. They will compete in 13 events: football, volleyball, badminton, vovinam, karate, etc.
According to the organization board, the sports festival aims not only to check and assess the quality of sports movement in localities but also to select the excellent athletes to take part in the National Sports Festival 2014.
The festival will end in September 2013. 


Festival torchlight procession.
Mr. Le Xuan Than, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, lighting torch at opening ceremony.
Reportedly, recently, the public sports movement in the province has widely developed. Up till now, over 355,000 people (30.42% of population) in the province regularly exercise. The sports movement in schools, army force, organizations, and units in the province has incessantly developed. In the high performance sport, the province now has more than 100 athletes taking part in regional, national, and international championship; about 30 athletes who are titled Master, 60 athletes at level 1 each year, achieving over 300 medals. 
Red Flag Team entering stage in ceremonial of Uncle Ho’s photograph and symbol of festival procession.
High school students perform physical exercise.  



Khanh Son sports delegation joins event.