04:11, 20/11/2013

Diversified gifts for Vietnamese Teacher's Day in Nha Trang City

Nha Trang City becomes more boisterous in the Vietnamese Teacher's Day with groups of pupils and students visiting their teachers.

Nha Trang City becomes more boisterous in the Vietnamese Teacher’s Day with groups of pupils and students visiting their teachers.
Through the gifts, the pupils and students express their respect and gratitude to their teachers who have taught them knowledge.


Pupils visit their teacher in groups.


Beside fresh flowers, many students of Nha Trang University search on the internet how to make paper flowers and sell them at VND8,000/flower.
Orchids, a choice of gifts for Teacher’s Day. 


Foreign tourists buy a flower basket as a souvenir.
Pre-packed fruit baskets also attract many pupils and students.
Many clothing shops prepare gift boxes for customers' needs.


According to many shopkeepers, purchasing power in this year’s Teacher’s Day is lower than that in previous years.

Purchasing power of flowers slightly increases in morning of November 20. 


Soap and shower creams are often sold well on this occasion.