10:11, 18/11/2013

Nha Trang observes memorial service for road traffic victims

On November 17, Nha Trang City People's Committee held a memorial service for the road traffic victims at 2-4 Square. Over 1,200 people took part in this meaningful event.

On November 17, Nha Trang City People’s Committee held the memorial service for the road traffic victims at 2-4 Square. Over 1,200 people took part in this meaningful event.


Leaders of Nha Trang City People’s Committee and functional departments together with thousands of locals and tourists join event.


In the solemn atmosphere, the students created  a message about traffic safety by hundreds of candles and lilies. It also recommended the traffic participants to raise the awareness of traffic safety.  


Candles and lilies to commemorate road traffic victims.
The memorial service also received the attendance of a lot of domestic and foreign tourists.


Foreign tourists join the meaningful event.
Reportedly, beside the memorial service, Nha Trang City in particular and Khanh Hoa Province in general held many other meaningful activities such as visits and supports to difficult families and policy families who have relatives injured or killed in traffic accidents.