11:02, 01/02/2014

Cultural beauty of Vietnamese families on first day of Lunar New Year

"The first day of Lunar New Year is Father's Tet; the second is Mother's Tet; the third is Teacher's Tet" ("Mùng một Tết Cha, mùng hai Tết Mẹ, mùng ba Tết Thầy") is one of the most popular idioms of the Vietnamese about Tet. According to Vietnam's tradition, the Tet, especially the first day of Lunar New Year, is always a special occasion for family gathering. No matter where they are, what financial condition they are in, most of Vietnamese wish to return to their houses, burning concern to commemorate the ancestors, offering the best wishes to the family's members. Those are the cultural beauties of the Vietnamese on Tet days, which have been still maintained by many families across the country.

“The first day of Lunar New Year is Father’s Tet; the second is Mother’s Tet; the third is Teacher’s Tet” (“Mùng một Tết Cha, mùng hai Tết Mẹ, mùng ba Tết Thầy”) is one of the most popular idioms of the Vietnamese about Tet. According to Vietnam’s tradition, the Tet, especially the first day of Lunar New Year, is always a special occasion for family gathering. No matter where they are, what financial condition they are in, most of Vietnamese wish to return to their houses, burning concern to commemorate the ancestors, offering the best wishes to the family’s members. It's cultural beauty of the Vietnamese on Tet days, which have been still maintained by many families across the country.
On Tet occasion, the ancestral  altars are always given much care.


Family’s members offer incense to ancestors, inviting them to be with family on Tet days and bless all members in family. 


Children wish the elderly good health and longevity.


Grandparents give New Year’s Day presents to children.


Receiving the first New Year’s caller.


Members gather for family’s first meal on Tet days.


Children happy with new clothes.


Taking souvenir photos with Apricot Blossom.


Visiting graves on New Year is one of Vietnamese tradition, showing affection towards the origin.