10:06, 03/06/2014

Bumper crop of mangoes in Cam Lam District

Cam Lam District (Khanh Hoa Province) has around 3,000 hectares of mango trees which are located mostly in Cam Hai Commune, Cam Duc Commune and Cam Thanh Commune...

Cam Lam District (Khanh Hoa Province) has around 3,000 hectares of mango trees which are located mostly in Cam Hai Commune, Cam Duc Commune and Cam Thanh Commune. The special taste of the mangoes planted in the white sand areas in the hot weather condition is different from those in other places.
The main crop of mangoes in Cam Lam is from April to July when the locals are busy with harvesting, transporting and purchasing. This is a bumper year for mangoes. At present, the mangoes are sold at cheap prices of VND4,000 - VND6,000/kg.
Following are some images of the mango season in Cam Lam District:


A mango tree yields plenty of fruits.


Depot of ripe mangoes


Small mango purchasing point on roadside.
Weighing mangoes.
Casing mangoes to transport to neighboring provinces.
Offering to sell mangos.


Australian mangoes grown in Cam Lam District


Making mango cakes.