09:03, 03/03/2015

River wharf rite at M'Đung Village

M'Đung Village, Ninh Tay Commune (Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province) held the river wharf rite of E De people at the Community House on March 1.

M’Đung Village, Ninh Tay Commune (Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province) held the river wharf rite of E De people at the Community House on March 1.

Deriving from the viewpoint that all living things have souls, E De people believe that the water wharf also has a God of water. Therefore, every year, after the harvest, E De people often hold the river wharf rite to thank the God of water for blessing them clean water and health as well as pray for good weather and good things.

The river wharf rite is one of the traditional festivals of E De people living in Ninh Tay Commune, Khanh Hoa Province. The festival is often held in lunar January. This was the third time the festival washeld after more than ten years of absence.

Following are some images of the river wharf festival of E De people in Ninh Tay Commune, Khanh Hoa Province.


E De women dancing at the festival.


Youth man in the village wear as knights holding spears to expel forest ghosts.


E De young women going to the join the festival.


Village’s young women getting clean water.


People in the village watching festival.


Gong dancing at the festival.


Preparing offerings for the festival.


Scene of the river wharf rite taking place at the Community House of the village.


Shaman arranging offerings and chanting the mantra for God’s bless.


Shaman together with group of people carrying offerings to sacrificial place.


Drinking “ruou can” (wine drunk out of jars through pipes) to pray for good things.