10:05, 15/05/2015

Nha Trang – a peaceful destination

Nha Trang City is endowed by nature with a gentle and romantic beauty. The softly curved coastline with long stretching beach and islands beautify the beach city.

Nha Trang City is endowed by nature with a gentle and romantic beauty. The softly curved coastline with long stretching beach and islands beautify the beach city.

Nha Trang City is also known for its stunning relics and landscape such as Ponagar Temple, Long Son Pagoda and Hon Chong tourist site as well as many typical tasty dishes.

Coming to Nha Trang City, tourists will feel the tranquility of the city as well as the friendliness and hospitality of the locals.


Nha Trang City located by the sea with brilliant sunshine all year round.


The beach city is famous for its romantic beauty.


Blue sea, white sand and brilliant sunshine attract tourists everywhere.


Tourists feeling the tranquility of the beach city.


Nha Trang City often leaves unforgettable memories on tourists.


Hon Chong tourist site, a beautiful complex of rocky stones.


Ponagar Temple, a unique architectural and arts work of Cham culture, built in around mid eighth century.


Long Son Pagoda, a cultural and spiritual site favored by many people.


Nha Trang Cathedral was started to be built in 1928.


Tourists often have interesting experiences when travelling to the suburbs of Nha Trang.


Nha Trang City often receives the visit of tourist ships.