09:05, 20/05/2015

Photo exhibition and arts program celebrating 125th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh

Cam Ranh City People's Committee associated with Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism opened a photo exhibition about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh on May 18.

Cam Ranh City People’s Committee associated with Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism opened a photo exhibition about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh on May 18.

The exhibition displays 100 photos of Uncle Ho (together with 20 photos of Cam Ranh City), depicting the revolutionary life-work of Uncle Ho.

An arts program was also held at the site of Uncle Ho’s monument (Cam Ranh City) on the same day to celebrate the 125th birthday of the President.

Following are some images of these two meaningful activities.


Representatives of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee thurifying at Uncle Ho’s monument (Cam Ranh City).


Representatives of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee offering flower and incense at Uncle Ho’s monument.
Representatives of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee offering flower and incense at Uncle Ho’s monument.


Hai Dang Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop performing at the arts program to celebrate the birthday of President Ho Chi Minh.
Hai Dang Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop performing at the arts program to celebrate the birthday of President Ho Chi Minh.




Male group singing a song expressing the gratefulness towards the President.
Male group singing a song expressing the gratefulness towards the President.


Representatives cutting ribbon to open exhibition about President Ho Chi Minh.
Representatives cutting ribbon to open exhibition about President Ho Chi Minh.


Representatives watching documentary photos of President Ho Chi Minh.
Representatives watching documentary photos of President Ho Chi Minh.


Some photos of the President displayed at the exhibition.
Some photos of the President displayed at the exhibition.