10:06, 02/06/2015

Buddha's birthday Festival celebrated in Khanh Hoa

The managing committee of Khanh Hoa Provincial Buddhism Association celebrated the 2015 Buddha's birthday Festival at Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang City) on June 1. Attending the festival were Dao Cong Thien, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee, together with leaders of departments and industries, Buddhist monks and nuns and locals in the province.

The managing committee of Khanh Hoa Provincial Buddhism Association celebrated the 2015 Buddha’s birthday Festival at Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang City) on June 1. Attending the festival were Dao Cong Thien, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, together with leaders of departments and industries, Buddhist monks and nuns and locals in the province.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dao Cong Thien emphasized that the Party, nation and Khanh Hoa province have always paid attention to the Buddhism; created favorable conditions and honored the ethical values of the Buddhism.


Scene of the ceremony.


Prayer service.


Flower offering service.


Numerous Buddhist monks and nuns and locals join the ceremony.



Singing and dancing to celebrate Buddha's 2,559th birthday.



Praying to the Buddha.