04:07, 31/07/2015

Chorus festival held in Nha Trang

On July 30, the Communist Youth Union bloc of the provincial offices and agencies in Khanh Hoa organized the chorus festival praising the Communist Party. At the festival, many typical young Party members were also honored

On July 30, the Communist Youth Union bloc of the provincial offices and agencies in Khanh Hoa organized the chorus festival praising the Communist Party. At the festival, many typical young Party members were also honored.


The festival took place ebulliently with the participation of six teams and nearly 1,000 Youth Union members.


At the end of the festival, the organization board gave two A prizes, two B prizes and two C prizes to excellent teams.


On this occasion, 40 typical young Party members were commended.


Organization board offer souvenir flags to participating teams.
Organization board offer souvenir flags to participating teams.


Luong Kien Dinh, Party Secretary of bloc of Khanh Hoa Provincial offices and agencies giving A prizes to winning teams.
Luong Kien Dinh, Party Secretary of bloc of Khanh Hoa Provincial offices and agencies giving A prizes to winning teams.


Luong Kien Dinh offering certificate of merit to a typical young Party member.
Luong Kien Dinh offering certificate of merit to a typical young Party member.


Vo Hoan Hai, Secretary of provincial Communist Youth Union presenting flowers to typical young Party members.
Vo Hoan Hai, Secretary of provincial Communist Youth Union presenting flowers to typical young Party members.


40 typical young Party members commended.
40 typical young Party members commended.


Some choruses at the festival.
Some choruses at the festival.





Ha Phong

Translated by H.N