05:07, 10/07/2015

Over 6,000 people join cheerleading to welcome Sea Festival 2015

On the early morning of July 10, Nha Trang City held a cheerleading to welcome the Sea Festival 2015 with the join of over 6,000 people who were soldiers of the armed forces, the elderly, bodyguards, children, youth, domestic and foreign tourists.

On the early morning of July 10, Nha Trang City held a cheerleading to welcome the Sea Festival 2015 with the join of over 6,000 people who were soldiers of the armed forces, the elderly, bodyguards, children, youth, domestic and foreign tourists.
This was the fourth time Nha Trang City has organized cheerleading, aiming to call people to respond to the exercise movement.
Cheerleading is joined by many groups of people, such as soldiers of the military,...
Cheerleading joined by many groups of people, such as soldiers of the military,...


…Navy soldiers,...
…Navy soldiers,...




…and yoga practicers.
…and yoga practicers.


 “Joining hands” activity.
“Joining hands” activity.