04:11, 23/11/2015

50 players join billiards tournament of Khanh Hoa Newspaper

Khanh Hoa Newspaper's Communist Youth Union branch held its 14th traditional billiards open tournament at Billiards Nhat Kieu 2 Club on November 21. The tournament was sponsored by Vinpearl Joint Stock Company, Mai Linh Corporation in Southern Central & Highland, Hoan Hao Construction & Trade Co., Ltd.

Khanh Hoa Newspaper’s Communist Youth Union branch held its 14th traditional billiards open tournament at Billiards Nhat Kieu 2 Club on November 21. The tournament was sponsored by Vinpearl Joint Stock Company, Mai Linh Corporation in Southern Central & Highland, Hoan Hao Construction & Trade Co., Ltd.
The tournament attracted nearly 50 players from organizations, units and businesses in Khanh Hoa Province. The players competed in threes events: freestyle, one-cushion carom and press.
Finally, Minh Khuong of Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Company won first prize at freestyle event; Nguyen Thanh Tinh of Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Company was awarded highest prize; Thanh Tan from VTV Phu Yen placed first at the event of press.
Organization board gives souvenir flags to athletes.
Organization board gives souvenir flags to athletes.



Tran Duy Hung, Editor-in-chief of Khanh Hoa Newspaper offers flowers to sponsor.
Tran Duy Hung, Editor-in-chief of Khanh Hoa Newspaper offers flowers to sponsor.






Winners receiving first prizes.
Winners receiving first prizes.
Organization board and sponsor awarding second prizes to first runners-up.
Organization board and sponsor awarding second prizes to first runners-up.


Second runners-up given third prizes.
Second runners-up given third prizes.


Translated by H.N