10:02, 02/02/2016

19 teams join Nha Trang City Unicorn – Lion – Dragon Dance Festival

The 20th Unicorn – Lion – Dragon Dance Festival of Nha Trang City is held from January 31 to February 2 at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang.


The 20th Unicorn – Lion – Dragon Dance Festival of Nha Trang City is held from January 31 to February 2 at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang.
The festival is participated by 19 teams from 27 communes, wards and unicorn – lion – dragon clubs in the city.
Following are some images of the first competition night.
Organization board offering flowers to teams.
Organization board offering flowers to teams.


Many locals and tourists gather at 2-4 Square to watch the unicorn – lion – dragon dance performances.
Many locals and tourists gather at 2-4 Square to watch the unicorn – lion – dragon dance performances.








Translated by H.N