20:40, 11/08/2024

Handicraft contest for village elders in Khanh Son

The handicraft contest for village elders, an activity of Khanh Son Fruit Festival 2024, has taken place at 20-11 Square (To Hap Town, Khanh Son District) on August 11. At the contest, the elders of the ethnic minorities from the localities in Khanh Son District showed their dexterous skills in making working tools such as papooses, large round wicker flat baskets, flat winnowing baskets, and bolts and musical instruments such as chapi and flute mostly from rattan and bamboo.

The contest is an opportunity not only for the village elders to show their crafting skills but also for young people to learn the traditional craft skills from their grandparents. This is expected to preserve and promote the cultural values of ethnic groups, according to the organization committee.

The following are some images of the contest.

Village elders taking part in the handicraft contest 
Village elders taking part in the handicraft contest 
Making papoose
Making papoose
Making bolt
Making bolt
A matriarch showing her dexterous skills 
A matriarch showing her dexterous skills 
A tourist learning about traditional handicrafts from the Raglai village elders 
A tourist learning about traditional handicrafts from the Raglai village elders 

Hong Dang – Hai Lang – Ngoc Hoa
Translated by H.N